Novovoronezh Branch
The Novovoronezh branch of Rosatom Technical Academ, one of the four branches of the Technical Academy, is rightfully considered a "forge of personnel". The level of services provided for the training of NPP operating personnel complies with international standards and requirements. During its half-century history, more than 50,000 nuclear specialists from Russia, Europe and Asia have been trained at the branch (Formerly - the Novovoronezh TC).
![P.O.B. №5, Yuzhnaya industrial zone, Novovoronezh, Voronezh Region, 396071, Russian Federation](
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For more than 40 years the Novovoronezh branch of Rosatom Technical Academy has been known in Russia and abroad as the Training Centre for NPP installation, testing and commissioning shop. It is here where nuclear specialists from Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, Cuba, GDR and Czechoslovakia received required knowledge that they later used at their workplaces.
In the hard times of the 90’s the Novovoronezh TC used its established international contacts and the exchange of gained experience with the training centers in such countries as France, Japan, the USA, England, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain and Sweden to stay afloat. More than three thousand specialists who underwent training in Novovoronezh worked in some European countries, Cuba, China and India.
Since the beginning of the 2000s the Novovoronezh Training Center and Atomtekhenergo have been part of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern. In 2018 the Novovoronezh Training Center became a branch of Rosatom Technical Academy along with the Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sosnovoborsk branches.
In recent years, the training courses for Belarusian, Bengali and Turkish nuclear specialists have become the most significant projects for the Novovoronezh branch of Rosatom Tech. This triggered changes both in the process of personnel training as well as educational and methodological documentation development. The Novovoronezh branch has expanded its competencies by involving experienced personnel from the Novovoronezh NPP, which made it possible for Rosatom Tech to create the highest quality products.
The Branch includes
Novovoronezh Division of the International NPP Personnel Training Centre. The Division provides theoretical and simulator training for NPP personnel.
Industry Training Centre. The Centre provides theoretical and practical training for NPP personnel.
Novovoronezh Division of the Training Support Information Systems Centre. Its functions include the development of computer training systems, graphic materials and CIS.
Training Facilities
The area of training facilities comprises 16806,3 m², classroom stock — 2285 m²
Classroom stock includes:
1 conference hall
1 small conference hall
31 classrooms for lectures
3 computer classes equipped with up-to-date computer hardware
1 full scale simulator designed for NPP-2006 project
1 analisys simulator
All classrooms are equipped with modern hardware and software multimedia complexes.
The Branch has its own canteen for 100 seats with total area of 175.5 m².
Hotel Facilities
The hotel facilities occupying the area of 7281.00 m² are located in the park zone of Novovoronezh.
The hotel facilities can provide simultaneous accommodation for up to 187 people with a total number of rooms - 108. Room classes range from standard to luxury ones.
There is a parking lot and a restaurant on the hotel territory.
There are also 27 comfortable apartments within the city boundaries provided for trainees’ convenient accommodation in the Novovoronezh Branch.